Choose a controversial subject and write either a persuasive or argumentative essay on it. Remember that in both styles of writing your point of view must be clear throughout – the difference is how forceful your language and techniques are and, structurally, how you use/present the alternative viewpoint Write a personal essay about your experience (as a performer and/or audience member of the dramatic arts: plays, musicals, concerts, comedy etc.) ( Theme: Decisions) ‘ a certain freedom’ Write a personal essay about yoru understanding of freedom and why you think it Good Higher English Personal Essay Topics April 1, good higher english personal essay topicshigher english personal essay topics 36dced8 Here are the reflective essays we looked at in class: Enlightenment Two Sisters One Room The Conker Tree
Reflective writing - Reflective Writing - Higher English Revision - BBC Bitesize
This is amazing! I can only hope my essay turns out half as good as this! but seriously get help if your worried. You can also request things like research papers or dissertations. You are welcome to visit our brilliant writing company in order to get rid of your academic writing problems once and for all! Monday, 27 June My personal reflective essay for higher english.
My Personal Reflective Essay higher english personal essay Higher English. Each tick echoed ominously around the dingy classroom, encompassing everyone in it. As they built up, like the countless times before, I straightened my back, exhaled and prepared for the next intense minute. The second hand hit twelve. Whilst discretely curling over the table, I vacuum-packed all my organs up and into my ribcage: compressing them tighter, my whole body falling in on itself.
Agony was creeping out from my insides and all over me, but I resisted and remained nondescript, my facial expression empty like my stomach and lungs. It felt like you were suffocating yourself, but if you were as desperate and determined as I was, you would do it without even considering the pain. I saw every second during class as another opportunity to whittle down the numbers I read across my waist-line. Although, you may say I had reached my limit, or as I saw it, twenty-six inches.
The tape was not going to stretch any further. No matter how many stomach vacuums I did, higher english personal essay. At the time I could not admit it to myself, adamant I was going to reach twenty four, just to prove to myself that I was able to be as beautiful as the models that graced the glossy covers of Vogue and Elle. Two inches, that is all. How did I manage to stretch two inches across miles, in not just magnitude but time too? Pressure was sucking the skin around my neck deeper down, my bones the only thing preventing the black hole I had created from consuming me.
Beep Beep Beep. Each note more lengthy and disheartening than the last. It shot air back down my higher english personal essay as well as consternation into my blood. And just like one of the millions of microscopic cells in my blood, I began to accelerate along networks of veins, or corridors, higher english personal essay, no choice in my destination, held higher english personal essay suspension, being unwilling dragged to the heart of the beast: The Dining Hall.
In school I was in charge of how much I ate and exercised, higher english personal essay, I liked that a lot, my only ever chance to feel in control. That only accounted for breakfast and lunch though. At home was dinner. I was not permitted to prepare my own specific meals, Mum made everything with no alterations; everybody had the same and ate every last mouthful.
Without these large intakes of food at the end of every day I suppose I would be on the verge of death by now, so maybe she is to thank, or perhaps the lack of freedom I was given by her began this eating disorder. Nevertheless when I finish my starchy main course, the last thing I want is pudding, higher english personal essay.
Banoffee Pie, Trifle, Apple Crumble smothered in custard, few of the many regular deserts that I come nose to nose, spoon to mouth, with every night. The worst are doughnuts or her homemade cakes. Calories are not taken into consideration here, and everyone blindly yet blissfully gorges on them.
But I know they are saturated in fat, dripping and oozing all the energy Higher english personal essay have to burn off at the gym.
They are not worth the exhaustion. As I entered the cafeteria it reminded me off bees in a honeycomb. Not just the constant buzzing from the hundreds of hungry people but the danger too. Keeping my eyes fixed on the ground circumspectly, I journeyed through the obstacle course of chairs, moving trays of soup and perceptive higher english personal essay. By consciously holding myself upright, my posture improved for the couple of minutes I higher english personal essay it — only in the hope that I would burn more calories by doing so.
Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the warm, yellowy light radiating resplendently from behind the towers of pizza and mountains of pasta. It was like the sun breaking the sky in the morning, enhancing the food and luring everyone in towards it. However I was not going to allow it the chance to influence my stomach.
The thick smells were filling up the air though, and I was a non-smoker in a crowded pub, just the presence of the food passively poisoning me. Food was, and still is, the enemy.
She likes to cook, so all the food baked goes to my younger siblings and me, whilst she starves herself in front of us. For every pound she losses she finds more happiness, something we are perhaps both lacking, possibly only because of our similar trait - perfectionism. Seeking refuge in the gym, I hurriedly resisted the flow of pupils into the hall and raced towards my haven.
In the desolate changing rooms I inhaled the non-intoxicated air slowly; this immediately sent a feeling of serenity up through every nerve higher english personal essay, relaxing my state of mind completely. Logically, in my brain anyway, higher english personal essay, not having lunch means that I can be beautifully slim and pocket my two pounds of dinner money.
Hauling on my baggy gym clothes I stood in front of the mirror and paused for a little longer than usual. Lifting up my top I trailed my fingers down the side of my rib cage touching each prominent rib in turn.
According to the views of these people, the food is eating me. But it was not a light-hearted joke for me. Everyone has their different opinions, whether they know the whole truth or nothing about what I am doing to my body.
Either way no one is helping me through this. I do not even know if I have an eating disorder but I can tell something is not right. I remember telling myself at the start that this was just a health craze and that I was going to attempt it for a few weeks.
It has now been a few months and I am still not satisfied with my body. There is always a number on the scales that shows I still have fat on me. Maybe this is more than just two inches around my waist. As I said at beginning, how did I manage to stretch two inches across miles, in not just magnitude but time too? Posted by Girl In The Converse at Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.
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Personal Essay Writing at N5 and Higher
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Good Higher English Personal Essay Topics April 1, good higher english personal essay topicshigher english personal essay topics 36dced8 Here are the reflective essays we looked at in class: Enlightenment Two Sisters One Room The Conker Tree 4/19/ · My Personal Reflective Essay for Higher English Each tick echoed ominously around the dingy classroom, encompassing everyone in it. The sharp sounds creating a tsunami of waves that washed everyone out of my conscious thought and drowned the teacher’s words before pounding into me, pulling my mind further away from the lesson The reader should get a sense of the writer's personality through how they reacted to or behaved during the experience. The writing should also have a clear structure, with an opening, development
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