Anthropology Research Paper Examples. This collection is meant to feature more than anthropology research paper examples. Since its emergence as a scientific discipline in the middle of the 19th century, anthropology has focused on the study of humankind in terms of science and reason, as well as logical speculation Cultural Anthropology: Paper 2 Ethnography is a research method used to explore different cultures from a personal view. Many anthropologists have sought to use ethnography as their main study method because of its specificity and opportunity to get hands on Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Research Methodology, Social and Cultural Anthropology ‘A good neighbour is not one that gives’: detachment, ethics, and the relational self in Kenya AbstractSince Mauss, anthropologists have been drawn to gifts because they are understood to index the moral, often in contrast to the amorality of the market
How to Complete an Anthropology Research Paper Successfully
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Social and Cultural AnthropologyFollowers.
Papers People. Advancing Creativity Theory and Research: A Socio-cultural Manifesto. This manifesto, discussed by 20 scholars, representing diverse lines of creativity research, marks a conceptual shift within the field.
Socio-cultural approaches have made substantial contributions to the concept of creativity over recent Socio-cultural approaches have made substantial contributions to the concept of creativity over recent decades and today can provide a set of propositions to guide our understanding of past research and to generate new directions of inquiry and practice. These propositions are urgently needed in response to the transition from the Information Society to the Post-Information Society.
Through the propositions outlined here, we aim to build common ground and invite the community of creativity researchers and practitioners to reflect up, study, and cultivate creativity as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Save to Library. Spatializing Social Change: Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Upper Guinea, cultural anthropology research paper example. On a warm evening in JuneMadou was drinking tea and eating beans at a bar in a mining camp near Siguiri in Guinea.
Several other miners were sitting on wooden benches at small tables covered with colored plastic tablecloths. A television was showing a video clip of Céline Dion, and while some men were discussing her looks, others were merely staring at the ground, apparently thinking or waiting for time to pass.
Suddenly, the bright headlights of four motorcycles illuminated the bar before quickly disappearing again. Less than a minute later, the motorcycles came back, this time from the other direction.
This parade lasted more than twenty minutes with the bikers going back and forth, interrupting the miners' conversations and reveries in the café bar. After a while, I asked an elderly miner why they were doing this. He responded: A. Scales of reference: archaeozoological approaches to the study of behaviours and change. This paper first outlines approaches that can be taken to studying animal husbandry, and economic and social behaviours at the broad, long, cultural anthropology research paper example, or medium scales of analysis when animal bone assemblages have accumulated over many years or even This paper first outlines approaches that can be taken to studying animal husbandry, and economic and social behaviours at the broad, long, or medium scales of analysis when animal bone assemblages have accumulated over many years or even centuries.
It then suggests that some archaeological deposits can offer the potential to identify discrete events or activities that have take place over only a cultural anthropology research paper example months or years, The paper makes a plea for better collaboration between excavators, archaeozoologists and other specialists to ensure that there is very detailed recording and analysis of contexts where this potential may exist.
The seductions of pilgrimage: sacred journeys afar and astray in the western religious tradition. The Seductions of Pilgrimage explores the simultaneously attractive and repellent, beguiling and alluring forms of seduction in pilgrimage.
It focuses on the varied discursive, imaginative, and practical mechanisms of seduction cultural anthropology research paper example draw It focuses on the varied discursive, imaginative, and practical mechanisms of seduction that draw individual pilgrims to a pilgrimage site; the objects, places, and paradigms that pilgrims leave behind as they embark on their hyper-meaningful travel experience; and the often unforeseen elements that lead pilgrims off their desired course.
Presenting the first comprehensive study of the role of seduction on individual pilgrims in the study of pilgrimage and tourism, it will appeal to scholars of anthropology, cultural anthropology research paper example, cultural geography, tourism, heritage, and religious studies.
La ragnatela incantata. Sulle tracce di una sciamana. JulyAfghanistan. Cradle of Islamic fundamentalism signed Osama bin Laden. War scenarios. Trafficking in arms and drugs.
International MRV. The Taliban theocratic regime is preparing a military offensive for the conquest The Taliban theocratic regime is preparing a military offensive for the conquest of the northern territory of Afghanistan controlled by the army under the command of Gen. Ahmad Shah Massoud, cultural anthropology research paper example.
Sean and Shona, the two protagonists of the story, goes to the Panjshir Valley, a stronghold of the Northern Alliance, to produce a report on the mujahideen who are opposed to the Taliban regime. He is a psychologist, of a Spanish mother and Scottish father, cultural anthropology research paper example.
She is a freelance journalist, of a Senegalese mother and Dutch father, and is also a shaman Dogon. They met in Iraq inat the end of the first Persian Gulf War. Arrived in Panjshir via Tajikistan, Shona inform Sean about the real reason of their mission in Afghan territory. Rescue a child, Dhangal, of a Australian mother and a French father, kidnapped in Pakistan by Islamic crimi Favela in Replica: Iterations and Itineraries of a Miniature City.
BreadMatters IV: Crossing Boundaries Intersecting the Grain. Nidan: International Journal for Indian Studies. It is with great pleasure I introduce the July issue to the readers. This issue, longest in length so far in the history of Nidān, focuses on Indian Christians and Christianity in India. It demonstrates the extent to which the topic It demonstrates the extent to which the topic is of interest to scholars as well as general readers.
I am deeply grateful to Dr. Deepra Dandekar for editing this issue with great care, scholarly rigour and attention to detail.
I thank all the authors for choosing to submit their scholarly cultural anthropology research paper example to Nidān. We have selected these papers from a large pool cultural anthropology research paper example submissions and after subjecting them to a rigorous double blind peer review process.
On behalf of the editorial team, I wish to gratefully acknowledge the work of the anonymous reviewers. This issue offers scholarly insight into the Indian Christian community through the very well researched papers. I hope the readers from not only the Christian scholarly community but also the general cultural anthropology research paper example at large would find these papers worth reading. We have included book reviews on three latest scholarly books in the field of Indian studies.
It is perhaps worth noting that rarely do we publish more than one review on the same book. The other two books are by two prominent scholars in the field of Indian studies—Deonnie Moodie and Sumit Sarkar We thank all the reviewers for their insightful reviews.
African Trysts: Rethinking the Saharan Divide. Africa, in popular imagination, is often separated into two disconnected worlds of the North and South. Above and This schism is normalised in multiple spheres, at the level of political discourse and policy, in development and aid work, and through news media reporting about the continent. Н Серебренникова ЗВЕРЬЕ И ЗВЕРУШКИ В ГОРОДЕ - R Sardello Beasts in the City.
Воображение оживляет человека и среду его обитания. Текст создает настроение, которое может стать отправной точкой для рефлексии, ревери, инсайта. Comment évaluer une personne? L'expertise judiciaire et ses usages moraux, cultural anthropology research paper example.
Versions papier et électronique : les numéros sont expédié par poste au fur et à mesure de leur parution. Tous les numéros en ligne sont immédiatement accessibles. Pour un abonnement Geschiere Peter. The Perils of Belonging: Autochthony, Citizenship, and Exclusion in Africa and Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, The Other as Brother: Nation Building and Ethnic Ambivalence in Early Jewish-Israeli Anthropology, cultural anthropology research paper example.
Academically, cultural anthropology research paper example were committed to the anthropological and social-scientific paradigms of the time; in particular, British structural functionalism in its Manchester school version, American symbolic-interpretivism, and [End Page Academically, they were committed to the anthropological and social-scientific paradigms of the time; in particular, British structural functionalism in its Manchester school version, American symbolic-interpretivism, and [End Page ] the sociological modernization Religious Minorities, Sacred Space and Heritage in Transition in the Middle East.
Sacred space, whether materialized in the form of man-made structures or in natural sites plays a pivotal role in the religio-cultural heritage of all religious communities in the Middle East. Places considered imbued by the divine in one Places considered imbued by the divine in one way or another have traditionally functioned as the centers of ritual and spiritual life.
Some sacred space may be shared between different religious groups, often leading to syncretic practices and creating an intricate network of social ties. In other cases, such spots may be come the sites of inter-and intra-communal contestation and power-struggle, highlighting the complex relation between different religious communities, ethnic groups and social segments.
The way sacred space is used and conceptualized has never been static, despite claims to tradition, but reflects the various internal and external challenges encountered by the different faith groups. Tikkun Divine Repair and Healing in a Kabbalistic Yeshiva: Using Sacred Texts as Healing Devices, cultural anthropology research paper example. While the study of Kabbalah is expanding in non-Orthodox circles both around the world and in Israel, Kabbalah is also studied in Orthodox mainly Sephardic yeshivot concerned with tikkun divine repair of the world and of the While the study of Kabbalah is expanding in non-Orthodox circles both around the world and in Israel, Kabbalah cultural anthropology research paper example also studied in Orthodox mainly Sephardic yeshivot concerned with tikkun divine repair of the world and of the individual.
Tikkun of the world involves a special kabbalistic prayer method, while tikkun of the individual involves methods of healing and treatment of personal problems. This article, cultural anthropology research paper example, based on participant observation conducted for a year in a Jerusalem kabbalistic yeshiva, is a response to the appeal for an ethnographic study of those immersed in Kabbalah in the traditional locale.
The fieldwork findings reveal that the yeshiva, the traditional institution of study, also serves as a place of healing and personal therapy in which the sacred text occupies a central place. In the yeshiva, instrumental use is made of the text as object.
From a configuration of symbols subject to many alternate interpretations, the text is transformed into a pattern of icons and signals with only one meaning.
ANT 101 Final Research Paper Overview
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